Friday, June 22, 2007

What do we do in heaven?

In our Thursday Bible Study Group yesterday, we were studying resurrection and we wondered about what we will be doing in heaven, when we get there. The Bible didn’t say too much about it, but it did mention rest, worship, and service. On first glance, it may not sound too exciting. But upon serious consideration, there seems to be a lot more to it.

After strenuous exercise or exhausting work, and a cleansing shower, don’t we appreciate the exquisite feeling of total relaxation? The harder the work, the better it feels, right? Don’t we sometimes find that the music, the singing (ours and others), and the atmosphere in the worship service is so enjoyable that we just want to keep going, repeating the same hymns again and again without getting tired? Sometimes when we are doing things for someone we love and we are in the right mood, don’t we feel so good we want the moment to last forever? That, to me, is a bit of heaven on earth.

There are a lot of enjoyable things on earth: nature, food, music, art, beauty (in people, science, mathematics, design, …) ... They are part of God’s creation and hence part of what God is about. The more we understand God’s creation and are able to enjoy them, the more we understand God and the more we will enjoy heaven. That’s my limited understanding. What is your view?


Anonymous said...

Rest, Worship, and Service: I believe God has in store the best for us. If we love ourselves enough, we would take a rest; to love God is to worship Him; to serve others is a way to show our love. If we learn to do these better now, we can really enjoy these more in heaven.

There will be a lot of music and singing in heaven too.

StephenC said...

I do hope there is music and singing. And I hope I can sing without being off key, and I can play the piano, and the saxophone and the trumpet... And that there will be a lot of food :)