Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My resignation from SOBEM-HK (香港恩雨之聲)

This is just to let my friends know that I have resigned, effective immediately, from my post as a director of Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministries - Hong Kong (香港恩雨之聲).


CARFIELD said...

Oh, why have that move?

StephenC said...

To make a long story short, we (the organization and I) were drifting apart in our visions, and I wish to concentrate on my other projects.

I do wish them well, and pray that they continue to tell God's story to the world, though.

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Anonymous said...

To do God's work in His Mission, one must be totally unconditional, giving oneself completely.
I have followed SOBEM day to day as-seen progress and found that it is to some extent commercialized.This is where I am somewhat disappointed in my heart. I have given myself to God and hope that there will be others to follow suit - more or less in that direction, if not entirely so doing . I could be wrong in my view, hoping that the essence of so saying is taken to heart without hard feeling. All to Jesus.